Queen Elizabeth’s final Royal engagement, was the most honest and devoted to work monarch.

Jane Barlow/WPA Pool/Getty Images


On Thursday the Queen of Great Britain left us alone. As she died at 96. Before dying she just appointed Liz Truss as her new Prime Minister, on Tuesday, September 6, 2022 

The most loyal monarch of the Commonwealth and the crown, Queen Elizabeth.

In 1947 on her 21st birthday then Princess Elizabeth make a promise to the commonwealth that whenever she pledged her whole life will be given to the services and welfare of the Commonwealth and she fulfilled her promise over the years 

her age and health can’t stop her will to serve the nation 

In the past, all the meetings conducted between Queen and her prime minister were usually conducted in Buckingham Palace however, the location was changed due to the Queen’s health issues, after 70 years of the monarchy this happens for The first time where any ceremonial tradition took place outside of the palace  

Queen was so dedicated to the work that she wanted to form a government as soon as possible after appointing her new prime Minister Liz Truss and the cabinet minister wanted that the sworn ceremony should be held soon that’s why the ceremony, was scheduled to be on Wednesday at the Privy Council meeting but it was postponed after the doctor advised Queen to take a rest 

 Queen was facing mobility issues for the past few years.  

The queen was facing health issues, she use to travel with support since October 2021.

On Thursday the Queen died at the age of 96 but she will always be remembered for her dedication to the Commonwealth and her crown.

Queen was a goddess for the nation who, help Britain to remain great word by Liz Truss. 

The Global leaders’ came up with their views

The global leaders spoke out on the death of the queen “President Biden said that she was the only lady everyone connect with and feel personal about her Scottish Minister Nicola sturgeon called her “one of the greatest monarchs of all time”

As the queen died but we should learn from her how she work till her last breath and put this kind of dedication into every part of our life.

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